Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Welcome to the Month Of Grace (2 Corinthians 8:1). I always find learning about Jesus Christ really exciting. We have been looking at the “Return of the Lord”: Is Jesus really coming back? When is He coming back? How is He coming back? What are the signs of His coming; and some other areas.

This month, we’ll be looking at, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” People appear to have differing opinions about who the Holy Spirit is. We’ll be going through the bible to answer this question. However, the aim is that we’ll come to know the Holy Spirit personally.

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Welcome to the month of  transformation (2 Corinthians  3:18). I always find learning about Jesus Christ really exciting. Each time I read about His life in the bible, it  stirs up something in me that causes me to want to be just like Him. We just completed our four series teaching on Jesus. We started from the the fall of man, the effects of sin through the fall on man and creation, the Cross, the resurrection, the second coming and the white throne judgement.

This month, we’ll be looking at who the Holy Spirit is, the manifestation of the Spirit, speaking in tongues and how the Spirit empowers us to live the Christian life.

The Supernatural Life

Last month we completed our teaching series on Faith. We looked at the part that “faith in God” plays in our lives. We noted that this faith is different from the natural kind of faith that everyone has. Faith in God starts with a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, alone, and enables us to accomplish “the impossible” for God’s kingdom. It also enables us to live the Christian life successfully.

This month we shall move on to the next six part teaching series which I have called “Living the Supernatural Life”. This will highlight the fact that the Christian life can only be lived fully, through supernatural means, which God has freely given to every born-again Christian. We’ll be looking at how we can access the supernatural power of God through the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit

We just completed our series on the Holy Spirit at our Sunday Church services. In the last part of the series, we looked at the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Everyone who is born-again has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. The bible says that we are sealed by the Spirit the moment that we are born-again (Ephesians 1:3). However the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a different experience. Jesus stated clearly that to be effective witnesses for Him, we need to be baptised or in-filled by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). The two main points relating to this are outlined below.
[1] We have the Holy Spirit when we are born-again, but this is different from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Scriptures: Ephesians 1:3, Acts 1:8, Mathew 3:11, Acts 19:1-6)

[2] Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The pre-requisite for receiving this baptism is that you must be born again and ask God in faith. (Scriptures: Acts 2:38, Luke 11:13, Acts 2:4)